
Above are the layouts of the Full Sized Standard Keyboard and the keyboard on this product. The tooling for the Keyboard has already been made and the manufacturer is one of the largest in China and makes keyboards for some of the top Computer Brands in the world. To show how my layout is almost similar to the full sized Keyboard layout, I will describe which keys I modified in each rows and how it was modified to fit into the slightly lesser space I had and I will start from top to bottom. Believe me, if you want to know why this layout is unique, this is the only way to do it.

First Row - I removed the last small DELETE Key, since we already have a big Delete key and then distributed the rest of keys according to the available space. All the keys remain the same size.

Second Row - The DELETE key remained untouched and unchanged. I reduced the length of all the other keys just a tiny bit and distributed these keys according to the space available.

Third Row - All the 10 LETTER keys from Q to P, the most important keys, remained untouched and unchanged. The last 3 keys of this row, the keys that most people will never use in their lifetime, were reduced according to the space available. Then the TAB key was replaced by the Letter key, which is still quite big enough for the occasional use of the Tab key.

Fourth Row - All the 9 keys from A to L, the most important keys, remained untouched and unchanged. I used the big DELETE key in place of the ENTER key and then reduced the 2 keys in between the L and ENTER key and the CAPS LOCK key a little bit according to the available space.

Fifth Row - All the 10 keys from Z to ?, remained untouched and unchanged. I used the big ENTER key in place of the 2 SHIFT keys.

Sixth and last Row - The SPACE key, the most widely used key and the ARROW keys, remained untouched and unchanged. The other 6 keys were reduced a bit to fit into the available space and they are still pretty big and long in size.

All keys described as "untouched and unchanged" remain exactly the same as the Standard keyboard in every single ways. No other existing keyboard case has a layout so similar to the original layout. And today, it looks simple and easy but it took me 11 months to figure out a solution that made such a layout possible.